iPhone Ranks First in the Japanese Smartphone Market in Both Recognition and Trust

IoT Consulting of Japan, a provider of consulting services related to IoT, has released the results of a survey on the recognition and trust of smartphone brands in the Japanese market. The results showed that Apple’s iPhone had the highest recognition and trust.

In terms of recognition, iPhone (Apple) scored an average of 7.9 points (10 = familiar, 1 = not at all familiar), making it the most well-known brand, followed by Xperia (SONY) at 5.8% and AQUOS (SHARP) at 5.6%. The iPhone was far ahead of the second-place brand.

Pixcel (Google), Galaxy (Samsung), and Xiaomi (Xiaomi) followed with 5.2, 4.9, and 2.9% points, respectively.

The iPhone also took the top spot for reliability, scoring 7.8 points (on a 10-point scale), followed by Xperia (Sony) with 6.2 points, Pixel (Google) with 5.9 points, Aquos (Sharp) with 5.8 points, Galaxy (Saumung) with 4.7 points, and Xiaomi (Xiaomi) with a score of 3.1.

iPhone was also the top smartphone brand currently in use with 61% of the total, followed by Aquos (Sharp) with 9.6%, Xperia (Sony) with 7.7%, Galaxy (Samsung) with 5.8%, Google Pixel with 5.4$, and Xiaom with 2.0%. .0% followed.

The survey was conducted online on January 30-31, 2025 and included 1,084 men and women.

(source) https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20250302-3138365/